My Plan

I have an ambitious plan for Greater Manchester. You can read the detail below.

  • Stop criminal gangs

    The Mayor is responsible for policing. So we'll take on the criminal gangs who burgle home, steal cars, and groom and young people.

  • End rough-sleeping

    Tackling the causes - mental health, unemployment, and broken homes - through a new 'Homes for Life" programme. Getting people off the streets for more than just a night.

  • Metrolink to every borough

    Transport should be for the whole of Greater Manchester. Every borough will get a Metrolink. And we'll improve bus connections to hard-to-reach towns.

  • A new 'Silicon Valley'

    Creating over 30,000 jobs through an 'Investment Zone' for Greater Manchester. Supporting advanced manufacturing, science, and industry.

  • No more green space building

    Bulldozing parkas and green spaces will be a thing of the past. We'll build thousands of new affordable homes on derelict and disused sites instead.